On 27 October at 14.00 CET / 8.00 AM EST, the Heritage & Slow TourismLAB will be focused on Slow Art and slow looking.
Maggie Freeman, Global Coordinator for Slow Art Day, will give a presentation focused on the history of Slow Art Day, its design philosophy, and the future of Slow Art Day. Long-time Slow Art Day host Armand Storck of Sint-Pauluskerk in Antwerp will also share insights and experiences from organizing Slow Art Day events.
The Heritage & Slow TourismLAB is a spin-off of the Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, International Conference (HTHIC). In the LAB, an independent think tank, researchers, professionals and policymakers explore the varying meaning and practices of Slow and Slowness and ways to preserve natural and cultural heritage thanks to and despite tourism.
If you are interested, we hope you will join the LAB to learn about and discuss applications of Slow Art Day and slow looking within the context of cultural heritage and tourism. How can we apply Slow Art and slow looking to heritage sites? What are critical success factors? Is slow looking the same as mindfulness? Can it be instrumental in the preservation of natural and cultural heritage?
Register here.