- M.K. Hajdin
- Fiorella Ikeue
- Jeremy Szopinski
- Ben W.
- Patrick J. Donovan
Slow Art Day may still be months away, but that doesn’t stop our tumblr from continuing to share engaging and provoking art to a growing community of followers!
The dedicated Social Media team for our tumblr have unveiled a new institution to help foster Slow Art Day’s involvement in the tumblr Art community by supporting budding artists.
“Tumblr Thursdays,” replacing “Themed Thursdays,” which similarly encouraged follower participation in submitting relevant art for each theme, continues this outreach to the community. Artists can now submit their original work to be shown to a wide and diverse audience through our movement’s efforts.
The above gallery showcases the inaugural crop of many talented artist submissions that will be published. For further information on the artist click on each image for relevant links.
You can see the work selected for each Tumblr Thursday here.